Thursday, April 9, 2009

OPI Step in Lime

Alternative to MAC Peppermint Patti

hello people, i so sorry that i don't keep up with this thing. Im sure not many people even read it but it's fun to think so =P haha. The other day i purchased two very pretty nail polishes from OPI. Although some people may thing 8 dollars for a nail polish is much, the quality of OPI is by far one of the best. OPI is definitely my favorite kind of nail polish. My fingernails have always been super short and nasty because i bite them. EW. So i was like i really want to be able to paint my nails. i decided to get fake ones put on and get them painted, and they ended up really natural looking and pretty.

Here are just a few random pictures of my nails and a tropical look i did with my 120 palette

enjoy =)

1 comment:

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